Why OUR Training?
Dr. Abelson is a nine-time award winning educator. The below are our current training programs. Contact us to discuss your needs so he can do an outstanding presentation for your organization. He can also custom design something for you on numerous other HR topics such as emotional intelligence, interviewing, selling to different behaviors and motivational styles …

Personality Inc™
Maximize Your Team
PBD Dictatorship™
Leading Charismatically™
Personality Inc.™
Personalities are complex. Imagine a complicated highway where 3 or 4 major interchanges intersect. What would it be like without signs and directions? Would you know where to go? When personalities merge, that’s exactly what we experience. People frequently struggle with understanding others’ behaviors, choices, motivators, and personal interactions. In managing relationships, we frequently interact with others as we would like to be interacted with ourselves.
We can measure and better understand personalities through assessments. DISC is one of the leading assessments to measure behaviors. Personalities go much deeper than just DISC or behaviors and are made up of behaviors, motivators that drive our behaviors, emotional intelligence, stress factors, leadership approaches and many other factors that all interrelate. Personality Inc. shows attendees how to best interact with everyone in their lives how the other person wants to be interacted with.
What Happens During The Training
This program, developed by a human resources and psychology expert with over 40 years of experience, helps clients understand the road map of people and how to take next steps in your journey. It functions like an instruction manual of what the person is like, how to interact with them, and how to better manage and lead them.

“Want to know what drives people to behave the way they do. Come to this class. Dr. A is energetic, passionate, knowledgeable.”
Shannon L. – Real Estate

“I learned more in this class about the depth and wider capabilities of the DISC assessment than in years of other DISC classes.”
Rich C. – Management Consultant
“Very responsive to class, excellent presentation, master of the material.”
Judy L. – Recruiting Specialist/Consultant
What We Cover
Prior to the program, we work with our client to determine pain points related to managing staff, teams, and leadership. We use this information to create a customized programs that immediately helps improve personal relationships and development. We include whichever topics you want us to cover, such as…
- Z10 keys to effective communications
- ZBehavior styles do’s and don’ts
- ZWhat to say and not say with different behavior styles
- ZManaging and leading anybody, anywhere
- ZProcrastination causes and how to manage it
- ZIncentivize retention
- ZSales techniques
- ZKey factors that drive emotional intelligence
- ZImproving emotional intelligence
- ZStressor points and techniques to reduce stress
I’d Like Dr. A to …
- ZBe a Key-Note speaker on this topic
- ZPresent a 2-hour program on this topic
- ZPresent a half-day program on this topic
- ZPresent a full-day program on this topic
- ZTalk with me so we can decide on what he will present
- Zrelated to this topic

I have LOVED using all I learned, and the assessment was incredibly helpful to my mother and even prevented an argument with my hubby, LOL! Thank you again for everything, Dr. A, and I look forward to rolling this out with my team in July!
Deborah N. – Director / Talent Acquisition
“I thought the team program was amazing! I’m still noodling on how to incorporate these lessons into how we work. We are at the moment creating profiles for everyone at the company with their place on the Wheel displayed and their motives diagram.”
Miguel A. – CEO
Maximize Your Team™
High productivity is maximized when individuals know how to effectively communicate with one another, have a balanced set of behaviors, and an understanding of the dynamics of the relationships among team members. This is true whether your team is a high-powered sales team, C-level, administrative, project-centered, or long-term partners in working together.
What Happens During The Training
The program shows how the behaviors and motivators of team members interrelate and impact satisfaction, motivation, and performance of the team. If you have a major project you are working on or beginning we will focus this program to assist the team succeed with the specific project.
What We Cover
- ZTeam member behaviors and motivators
- ZTeam dynamics Identifying the strengths and limitations of
- Zpeople in the team and the team itself
- ZHow to create a high-performance team
- ZBenefits and how to reassign or realign team tasks/members
I’d Like Dr. A to …
- ZBe a Key-Note speaker on this topic
- ZPresent a 2-hour program on this topic
- ZPresent a half-day program on this topic
- ZPresent a full-day program on this topic
- ZTalk with me so we can decide on what he will
- Zpresent related to this topic
Participatory Benevolent Dictatorship™
Dr. Abelson’s leadership theory combines a number of the most effective, yet easy to implement, leadership approaches ever developed. He provides 10 winning techniques to be a very effective participatory leader. These leaders get buy-in, dedication, and respect from those they lead, not because they demand it, but because they earn it through. First, they show respect for staff through their willingness and desire for participation in decision making. Second, they demonstrate true concern and compassion for staff and their needs. Third, they are willing to make decision even when those decisions may be difficult.
What Happens During The Training
Leaders learn techniques on how to share control, how to reveal vulnerability and fallibility, and how to move their organization forward by making decisions even when others may disagree. Staff enjoy the participation, appreciate the benevolence, and enjoy taking action with the opportunity to modify that action when appropriate. When leaders use all three aspects of this approach, there is true respect for the leader and staff find it easier to follow.

What We Cover
- ZParticipatory leaders and what they do
- ZUnderstanding & Using Power
- ZHow to Increase staff commitment
- Z10 easy-to-perform and very effective techniques to lead
- ZThe difference between leadership and management, and
- Zmaking leading work
I’d Like Dr. A to …
- ZBe a Key-Note speaker on this topic
- ZPresent a 2-hour program on this topic
- ZPresent a half-day program on this topic
- ZPresent a full-day program on this topic
- ZTalk with me so we can decide on what he will present
- Zpresent related to this topic

Leading Charismatically™
Charismatic leaders have been around since the Garden of Eden. These leaders understand and lead through focusing on those things that excite and ignite our emotions and feelings. The most effective of them master the situation by building passion within others to do exceptional things and sometimes even surpass our wildest expectations. They paint appealing pictures, help us create dreams and have us believe we can contribute to and actually achieve those dreams. They inspire and challenge us, and galvanize our purpose, our goals, our actions. The most skilled charismatic leaders have us achieve what we thought was impossible.
What Happens During Training
This program shows clients the 20+ charismatic factors identified in leaders by Dr. Abelson. It then allows them to determine which of the over 20 charismatic characteristics they already have and use. In longer presentations, the program explains how to develop charismatic characteristics not currently being used, the 5 primary uses and sources of power, and the one primary and six secondary sources of subordinate power.
What We Cover
- ZThe key charismatic characteristics
- ZHow to defeat Charisma Traps™
- ZWays to channel the emotionality of charisma
- ZHow to effectively use power to enhance your charisma
- ZLearn if you have tier 1 or tier 2 charismatic behaviors
- ZUnderstanding the negative side of charisma
- ZLearning the 5 sources of power and how to use them constructively
- ZLearning the 1 primary source of subordinate power and the 6
- Zsecondary sources of that power and how to use them constructively
I’d Like Dr. A to …
- ZBe a Key-Note speaker on this topic
- ZPresent a 2-hour program on this topic
- ZPresent a half-day program on this topic
- ZPresent a full-day program on this topic
- ZTalk with me so we can decide on what he will present
- Z related to this topic