Our Most Popular Assessment Reports
Can be purchased separately or purchased via a license for limitless reports.
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Scroll down for specifics on our most popular assessments.

Whether you want to purchase one or more assessments, or a license with almost limitless reports, our reports are phenomenal. Learn more about our reports below, then visit order assessments page to purchase.
Many say “our reports are the best in the business.” They are easy to read, use, practical, descriptive, in over 40 different languages, and compliant with all USA requirements for use in hiring and so much more…

#1 – DISC Behaviors
Identifies 384 behaviors with over 15 custom sections about the person. It explains how a person does what they do and how a person prefers to give and receive information. The report is easy to read and use bulleted descriptive statements and some narratives on the person’s general characteristics, how to communication, how to motivate, their ideal environment, their value to the team, and so much more.

#2 – DISC Behaviors & Motivators**
Our most popular report. It shows how to predict how and why a person will move to action in any given situation. This report includes everything in the DISC behaviors report mentioned above PLUS it looks at 6 primary motives in a dozen custom sections on “why” the person does what they do. It explains how the person deals with rules, the extent they are motivated by money and control of themselves and others, how motivated they are to learn new things and motivated they are to give to others. PLUS it adds sections on the person’s strengths, weaknesses and time wasters.

#3 – Leadership
Identifies 25 different leadership characteristics, the person’s score on each, how their scores compare to the average USA / Canada scores, & descriptors of specific competencies of the person.

#4 – Emotional Intelligence
Twelve wonderful bulleted item sections, that show how the person is on 5 different components of EQ, their total EQ score, and how they compare to the rest of the USA / Canada on the same factors. The report helps sense, understand, and effectively apply the power of emotions to facilitate greater collaboration and productivity.

#5 – DISC, Motivators, & Leadership*
Our second most popular report, has over 40 custom sections combining our DISC, Motivators, and Leadership reports, all mentioned above, PLUS a narrative that blends all three science; DISC behaviors, motives, and their leadership.

#6 – DISC, Motivators & Emotional Intelligence*
Our second most popular report, with over 40 custom sections combines our DISC, Motivators, and Emotional Intelligence reports PLUS a narrative that blends all three sciences; DISC behaviors, motivators and emotional intelligence.

#7 – Leader & Individual Staff Stress
Leaders and staff experience stress from different types of organizational dynamics. So, we have a report that measures leader stress and a separate report that measures staff stress. Please review each. You will note that both reports focus on the same seven (7) major areas that can cause stress and 21 more specific stressors. For example, both look at the impact of Control, via a Control Index measured by two different control related components: workplace empowerment and workplace involvement. Please review the entire report for a few interesting surprises.
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