eXp Abelson Special Certification – March 2024

Abelson Special DISC & Motivators Certification

Designed Exclusively For & With Special Pricing for eXp Alphas



March 4 & 5, 2024


8:30 am to 5:30pm


The Fazio Training Center - The Forum 2301 S Stearman Drive Chandler, AZ

Abelson Special DISC & Motivators Certification
Designed Exclusively For & With Special Pricing for eXp Alphas


What’s Your Benefit?

  • Master DISC & Motivators
  • Build Your Downline via Your FIT Report
  • Panel Discussions
  • Use Your Abelson Report to Enhance & Retain Your Downline

    Two Different Sets of Dates For Your Convenience – You Choose One
    (You may want to be in the same training as another specific eXp Alpha)


Master DISC & Motivators: Learn how to best use DISC & Motivators for eXp Alpha Supremacy with Dr. DISC: Dr. Michael Abelson

Build Your Downline via Your FIT Report: Learn your FIT Score & how to use the FIT Report to attract, build, & retain your downline

Panel Discussions: Participate in & learn from other Alphas via SPECIAL eXp Alpha Panel Discussions 

Use Your Abelson Report to Enhance & Retain Your Downline: Learn how to use DISC, Motivators, & Leadership sections of your license report to build & maintain your downline

Day 1 - Participant Involvement, case studies & expert knowledge exchanges all day long

8:30 to 5:30pm

  • Registration & materials pick up
  • Understand your Abelson FIT Score, your Abelson FIT Report, areas for your personal improvement, & how to use YOUR Abelson DISC, Motivators, & Leadership report to be an even better Alpha
  • Learn how to use the Abelson FIT Report to help others build their downlines
  • Learn DISC characteristics, strengths & limitations
  • Learn how to best communicate with different DISC styles
  • Lunch & First eXp Alpha Panel
  • Using DISC graphs (to identify stress, minimize, & deal that stress, etc.)
  • Understand the DISC Wheel and how to use it to master teams

Day 2 - Participant Involvement, case studies & expert knowledge exchanges all day long

8:30 to 4pm

  • Learn Motivator and Driving Forces characteristics, strength, & limitations
  • Learn how to communicate and motivate via non-money motivator factors
  • Learn how to use Motivator Graphs & Wheel
  • Lunch & Second eXp Alpha Panel
  • Integrate using DISC & Motivators concepts to build, enhance, & retain your downline
  • Use your Abelson Report to communicate, motivate, & build your realtor & downline business

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