DISC Team Success Story # 1

DISC Team Success Story # 1

Situation:A particular office had a history of repeatedly hiring poor performing administrative assistants. We did a DISC behavior team report on the entire administrative staff; ownership, management, administrative assistant, and a few other staff. We also looked at...
Why Teams Work – Part 2

Why Teams Work – Part 2

If you want read “Why Teams Work – Part 1“ click here Fosters Different Ideas, Creativity, & Innovation  When people have different tasks, they also see things through a different lens. For example, people who have more D, I, S, or C in the DISC...
Why Teams Work – Part 2

Why Teams Work – Part 1

Everywhere we look, in the media and at work, we hear “teams.” Microsoft has even developed an entire teams platform and has an intense advertising campaign telling us the importance of teams. So, why are teams the rage? Why is everyone talking about and interested in...

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